Town Planning & Zoning (TPZ) Commission
A. Composition. The Town Plan and Zoning Commission shall consist of seven voting members, no more than five of whom shall be registered with the same political party. There shall be three alternate members of the Town Plan and Zoning Commission, no more than two of whom shall be registered with the same political party.
B. Powers and Duties. The Town Plan and Zoning Commission shall have all the powers and duties conferred by the Town Charter, by ordinance, and on zoning commissions and planning commissions generally by Chapter 124 and Chapter 126 of the General Statutes (C.G.S. 8-1 et seq. and 8-18 et seq.). In particular, the Town Plan and Zoning commission shall:
a. Prepare, adopt, and amend a master plan for the development of the Town, or amend any master plan previously adopted;
b. Have control over the subdivision of land;
c. Make studies and recommendations on matters affecting health, recreation, traffic, and other needs of the Town dependent on, or related to, the master plan;
d. Consider and report upon the design, location, and relation to the master plan of all new public ways, buildings, bridges, and other public places and structures;
e. Consider and report upon the layout of new developments in the Town;
f. Make detailed plans for the improvement, reconditioning, or development of areas which in its judgment contain special problems or show a trend toward lower land values;
g. Make such other studies, recommendations, and inclusions in the master plan as will in its judgment be beneficial to the Town.
C. Appointment of Planning Director. The Town Plan and Zoning Commission shall appoint a planning director who has been approved by the First Selectman.
D. Other employees and consultants. The Town Plan and Zoning Commission may engage such employees and consultants as it requires to carry out its duties, including a zoning enforcement officer and assistants who, subject to the general supervision of the planning director, shall enforce all laws, ordinances, and regulations relating to zoning and planning, and shall have such other duties as the Town Plan and Zoning commission or the Planning Director may prescribe.
B. Powers and Duties. The Town Plan and Zoning Commission shall have all the powers and duties conferred by the Town Charter, by ordinance, and on zoning commissions and planning commissions generally by Chapter 124 and Chapter 126 of the General Statutes (C.G.S. 8-1 et seq. and 8-18 et seq.). In particular, the Town Plan and Zoning commission shall:
a. Prepare, adopt, and amend a master plan for the development of the Town, or amend any master plan previously adopted;
b. Have control over the subdivision of land;
c. Make studies and recommendations on matters affecting health, recreation, traffic, and other needs of the Town dependent on, or related to, the master plan;
d. Consider and report upon the design, location, and relation to the master plan of all new public ways, buildings, bridges, and other public places and structures;
e. Consider and report upon the layout of new developments in the Town;
f. Make detailed plans for the improvement, reconditioning, or development of areas which in its judgment contain special problems or show a trend toward lower land values;
g. Make such other studies, recommendations, and inclusions in the master plan as will in its judgment be beneficial to the Town.
C. Appointment of Planning Director. The Town Plan and Zoning Commission shall appoint a planning director who has been approved by the First Selectman.
D. Other employees and consultants. The Town Plan and Zoning Commission may engage such employees and consultants as it requires to carry out its duties, including a zoning enforcement officer and assistants who, subject to the general supervision of the planning director, shall enforce all laws, ordinances, and regulations relating to zoning and planning, and shall have such other duties as the Town Plan and Zoning commission or the Planning Director may prescribe.