Opportunities for BOE Efficiency
We understand that it is up to the BOE and Superintendent of Schools to decide how the BOE budget is spent. This is different than the Town budget, where the First Selectman, the Boards of Selectmen and Finance and the RTM determine specific budget line items and thus the resources that each department, like Police, Fire and Public Works, have available to provide their specific services.
Based on the limited information available to the public, Fairfield Taxpayer has identified what it believes to be potential sources of significant savings in the BOE budget, none of which we believe would have any material impact on the quality of education in the classroom.
We present these suggestions for consideration by the BOE and Dr. Title in response to Fairfield’s increasingly urgent need to control the growth in its spending and taxes. It is our understanding that similar significant reductions in administrative costs have been realized in other districts, such as Greenwich, and have helped to fund continued improvement in the quality of academic outcomes.
Based on the limited information available to the public, Fairfield Taxpayer has identified what it believes to be potential sources of significant savings in the BOE budget, none of which we believe would have any material impact on the quality of education in the classroom.
We present these suggestions for consideration by the BOE and Dr. Title in response to Fairfield’s increasingly urgent need to control the growth in its spending and taxes. It is our understanding that similar significant reductions in administrative costs have been realized in other districts, such as Greenwich, and have helped to fund continued improvement in the quality of academic outcomes.