Fairfield Considers Expanding School Capacity - Again?
New K-5 School Enrollment Projections Still Appear Optimistic
BOE Urgency to Add More K-5 Capacity Makes No Sense
Connecticut’s Growing Fiscal Crisis Should Restrain All Local Funding Decisions
• New K-5 enrollment projections are lower, but probably still too optimistic.
• The BOE continues to understate our K-5 school capacity by calling a “576” school a “504,” and then insisting that we can put only “428-454” kids in it – that’s basically 75% of actual capacity.
• Fairfield has more than enough K-5 capacity for the next several years, and perhaps much longer.
• There is no rush to do anything until we see what actually happens with enrollments.
• Connecticut faces a serious and deepening financial crisis that is likely to have significant adverse effects on our Town, including lower, if any, reimbursements for school construction.
BOE Urgency to Add More K-5 Capacity Makes No Sense
Connecticut’s Growing Fiscal Crisis Should Restrain All Local Funding Decisions
• New K-5 enrollment projections are lower, but probably still too optimistic.
• The BOE continues to understate our K-5 school capacity by calling a “576” school a “504,” and then insisting that we can put only “428-454” kids in it – that’s basically 75% of actual capacity.
• Fairfield has more than enough K-5 capacity for the next several years, and perhaps much longer.
• There is no rush to do anything until we see what actually happens with enrollments.
• Connecticut faces a serious and deepening financial crisis that is likely to have significant adverse effects on our Town, including lower, if any, reimbursements for school construction.